Ваші коментарі

Hello, Michael.
Thank you for the bug report. We will fix it soon.


Thanks for feedback, we're currently working on this issue

Hi there,

We see the problem and working on it right now, please allow some time to get it fixed. If problem persists, please notify us.



Please go to the settings page and in the left lower part of the menu find "Advertising broadcasting settings:", than choose "I am not interested in earning money in the Sharexyad network, just let me get the sharing widget code." option. After checking the checkbox, generate a fresh widget code with new settings and put it on your pages instead of old one.

Hi Scott,

Please experiment with placement options in your WP plugin's administration area

try these: 1. Display buttons in excerpts of your posts above the summary or 2. Display buttons in excerpts of your posts below the summary.

I would appreciate if you provide your blog's url in order to better understand your situation.



We'll be fixing this in the nearest future, stay tuned.
