Enter forum description here ...

I have installed shortcode and it's working fine for post. I have used for floating also. When it post to facebook it shows post-image in window. I want my website logo to be appeared there. Let me know how to do that.

Chirag Kular 10 ár síðan 0
I have installed shortcode and it's working fine for post. I have used for floating also. When it post to facebook it shows post-image in window. I want my website logo to be appeared there. Let me know how to do that.


Onetwothree Musicnow 12 ár síðan 0
Hi just installed sharexy and yepty and tried to click some of the ads that show up, but many appear to be linked to dangerous sites according to my avast protector. so this is not really a good thing to promote on my site. can you explain why you work with dangerous websites? i will take it off my site for now.

Floating Bar Placement

Juanita Yager 12 ár síðan updated by Andrei Tsitovets 12 ár síðan 0

Is there a way to make the buttons float at the bottom in the center rather than the left or right? 

Andrei Tsitovets 12 ár síðan

Hello, Juanita. 

Temporarily not, but we will add it in one of the future releases  


Upload our own icons (private mode)

Adrian Alexander 11 ár síðan updated by Andrei T. 10 ár síðan 1
I know you allow users to upload icon sets however what if we can't design them in all those sizes? Or what if we want them just for ourselves? I am talking here mainly about doing this for the html (any website) version of the plugin and for the downloadable plugin as well. 
Andrei T. 10 ár síðan
Done, now you can upload and use your own icons. Please download latest version of the Sharexy wordpress plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/sharexy/

How to remove the icons from pages

Advanced REM 11 ár síðan 0
I saw a post a year ago saying that it would be possible to keep the icons off the bottoms of the pages in future updates.  Is there a way to do that now?  All I see in the control panel is controlling which blog pages the icons appear on in the content.


Hi The Shortcode for Sharexy not seems to work on post template on my site!

jainty 11 ár síðan 0

 Hi The Shortcode for Sharexy not seems to work on post template on my site!


style not changing

Mary Walker 12 ár síðan 0
I changed the style but it's not changing.  Also, They are all showing not just the ones that I chose.  How do I fix these problems. You can see it at http://PlumCrazyAboutCoupons.com

Thanks, Mary

Sharexy stopped working

Scott Story 10 ár síðan updated by Andrei T. 10 ár síðan 1
Sharexy worked great on johnnysaturn.com for a while, but now it has become invisible. I hate to replace it because I really like it. Can you think of a reason why it stopped working?
Andrei T. 10 ár síðan
Fixed. Please download latest version of the Sharexy wordpress plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/sharexy/

Prints contain URLs and javascript code in red (messing up the print).

Luke Thomas 12 ár síðan 0
Below is a copy and paste of the problem when using the print option (pasted from .XPS print file).

Actual post link: http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/4575/media-workers-seek-parity-in-negotiations-over-new-contract/

Dump follows:

Time for Change: Media Workers Seek Parity in New Contract
Written by FCJ Editor. Posted in Media
, News
Tagged: Bay Area News Group
 (http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/tag/bay-area-news-group/)  (http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/tag/contract- (http://www.fogcityjournal.com /wordpress/tag/oakland-tribune/) (http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/tag/contra-costa-times/) negotiations/)  (http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/tag/mercury-news/)  (http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/tag/pacific-media-workers-guild/)
, Contra Costa Times
, contract negotiations
, Mercury News
, Oakland Tribune
, pacific media workers guild
Published on May 22, 2012 with No Comments
Staff Report
May 22, 2012
Management of the Bay Area News Group-East Bay, a local affiliate of MediaNews and Digital First Media, met with East Bay media workers Tuesday for preliminary talks over a new collective bargaining agreement between BANG and Pacific Media Workers Guild.
The East Bay media workers, who work in a consolidated staff environment with San Jose Mercury News workers, are paid 25 percent less, on average, than their South Bay counterparts. The East Bay workers have a problem with that, according to a bulletin issued Tuesday, and are asking management for a new contract that aligns their pay and benefits closer to Mercury News workers.
Management has long sought staff consolidations to reduce operating costs.
Staff of the East Bay papers, including the Contra Costa Times and Oakland Tribune, are regularly assigned stories and projects in the South Bay where staff of the Mercury News traditionally had exclusive jurisdiction. Now, with border lines all but gone, work is shared across all various nameplates, sometimes with an East Bay byline appearing on the front page of the Mercury News.
And while management is able to cut costs via staff consolidation, East Bay members of the Media Workers Guild continue to be paid far less than their South Bay counterparts. The disparities in pay and benefits are the legacy of the Merc’s history as a separate, metro daily, while the East Bay papers, for much of their history, never showed much aspiration beyond their hometowns.
That’s changing. BANG now reports consolidated circulation and claims to have the biggest staff — not staffs, plural, but a single cluster of newsroom
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1 of 35/23/2012 4:08 PM
Time for Change: Media Workers Seek Parity in New Contract | Fog City Journal http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/4575/media-workers-seek-parity-in-negotiations-ove...
professionals — covering the region, and yet expects the East Bay employees to keep chugging along as second-class workers even though they labor for the same bosses and do essentially identical work, often in the same places of work.
In an open letter to employees Tuesday, East Bay workers declared the start of their campaign for parity:
“We share bylines. We share editors. Our work appears in the same papers. It appears on the same websites. But we do not share parity,” the letter reads. “The average East Bay editorial employee is paid 25% less than the minimum paid to a Mercury News reporter with six years of experience. We do not f We do not deserve 25% less pay. We do not deserve 25% less respect.” eel 25% less talented. We know we are not 25% less productive.
Linked In
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Union negotiators made “parity” the opening theme of Tuesday’s contract talks. Management responded with sympathetic words wrapped in depressing talk about a shortage of revenues. But as Guild members made clear in their letter, i and parity are matters of principle. t may not be easy to knock them off their goal, suggesting fairness
The battle promises to heat up in June as negotiations continue. Contract talks are also under way in San Jose and soon the San Francisco Chronicle unit of the Guild will also begin talks with the Hearst Corp.
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remove from pages not posts

Jason Ballard 12 ár síðan updated by Andrei Tsitovets 11 ár síðan 9
Love your plugin, just wondering if there's a way to remove your plugin from pages, not posts.  I like having them at the bottom of each post, but don't want them on the rest of the pages.  Is there anyway to do this?
Andrei Tsitovets 12 ár síðan
Hello, Jason. Yes, you can do it with the settings of the plugin. Just turn off widget displaying where you don't want to show it