
Awesome plugin.. I dig it... where do I actually ad my paypal email ? I don't see where to though.. ? Thanks.

Noah Holland 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 1
Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi

Hello, Noah.

Better to see once:


Counters not working at all

Taylor Hoffman 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 1

 I have selected the box for the coutner to show up but none of the counters are working.  My website is: http://www.ourmilitaryhome.com/.  Thank you!


Adverts not displaying?

Ryan Cheetham 12 aastat tagasi 0

Im getting the following error when I hover over to display an advert - 

error - Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'adsGetter'

Anyone had this issue or know a solution?



How do I manipulate the code to add my own buttons?

Shivani Lamba 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 1
I see the gallery where developers have contributed their own buttons, but I don't see the API or any documentation as to how I would replace these button images with my own? Can you please point me in the right direction?

I activated the plugin. When or how the ads will display?

Anjuman Sharma 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 1
Hi, I activated the plugin on http://www.mesteducation.com. When or how the ads will display? Also, could you tell me what is and where to find the publisher id? 

Please add the FB Like button also.

Anjuman Sharma 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 0
Hi Andrei, the plugin overall is great and good looking. I have a suggestion. It would be good if you could add the FB Like button also. Currently, it allows us to share the post or page, but doesn't give an option to like it! So I am using a separate plugin on the posts to get FB likes. My site is http://www.mesteducation.com.
Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi


Thank you for suggestion we'll consider adding such button

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where do i get the code for the WP widget? I registered but I don't see a Publisher Key in my account??

Sam Dobrow 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 13 aastat tagasi 0

Sharexy keeps sharing my SIDEBAR rather than my post!

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