Є відповідь

Can I add a second website?

groovygrovesy 12 років тому оновлено Andrei Tsitovets 12 років тому 3
I can see the first website I signed up with listed in the 'Analytics & Earnings stats' page but how can I add another?


Є відповідь
Hello,  of course! You can use a one JS code on all of your websites.
Є відповідь
Hello,  of course! You can use a one JS code on all of your websites.

what do you mean by "JS code"?

I am using my Publisher Key on both websites but I cannot track statistics from both websites as I only have one listed, how can I add the other website so it shows in the 'Analytics & Earnings stats' page
Your second website should automatically appear on the analytics page  . You have done it right, you can use one publisher key on all of your websites. Please give URLs of your websites, I check it all out
Hi Andrei,

My second website is http://bad-credit-news.com.

I can confirm it is still not showing.

