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زياد عزت il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Andrei Tsitovets il y a 12 ans 1

Sharexy plugin is generating conflict teotrainer.com

Teo Seifer, Trainer il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Andrei Tsitovets il y a 12 ans 1
Sharexy is generating conflict in my Wordpress site cause its code is appearing on the description meta tag not allowing the Description metatag to close correctly.
Either you send me the solution or I delete it Ooopsss :(

EXample of one option on the top horizontal menu and you will see the -- "/> -- symbol at the top left corner of the browser.. http://teotrainer.com/coach-personal-de-bienestar/ or http://teotrainer.com/faqs-preguntas-frecuentes/
And it is cause by this.... I just saw the source code on the brower. Im in IExplorer.

HERE IS THE Copy /Paste code for you to see;

<meta name="description" content="La persona que solicita una Conversación de Coaching Personal 
o una Sesión de Coaching de Bienestar es aquella persona que reconoce que hay algo que le interesa 
alcanzar o lograr pero que hasta el momento, por si solo y con las 
<div align="right">
<div class="sharexyWidgetNoindexUniqueClassName"><div id="shr_84051344"></div>
</div><div><script type='text/javascript'>
if (!w.SharexyWidget) {w.SharexyWidget = {Params : {}};}
w.SharexyWidget.Params['shr_84051344'] = {"user_id":"lwa-28080","design":"buddycon","layout_static":"h","type":"f","mode_float":"l","size_float":"55","size_static":"32","buzz":"0","services":["facebook","twitter","google_bookmark","google_plus","retweet","send_to_email","print_page"],"url":"current","allways_show_ads":0,"show_ads_sharing":0,"show_ads_cursor":0,"bg_float":"1","bg_color":"#f1f1f1","labels":"0","counters":"0","counters_float":"0","retweet@username":"teotrainer","popup_bot_a":1,"publisher_key":"lwa-28080","code_id":84051344};})(window);
</script></div></div>" /> This one is the one conflicting due to Sharexy's code.

Please contact me asap,
Teo from Argentina

Andrei Tsitovets il y a 12 ans
Hello, Teo. Thank you for your bug-report. We look at the causes of this problem and fix it within a few days.

I installed Shaexy on my Wordpress but I can't seem to get it to show up. What do I do?

Thomas Ramey Watson il y a 10 ans mis à jour il y a 10 ans 2
À l'étude

Site not showing nothing

Soropositivo Org il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Andrei Tsitovets il y a 12 ans 1

More than 24 hours are pased and you are not showing anything in my site. Whay?


Hide icons in excerpts

Jeff Oakley il y a 12 ans 0
I would like to be able to prevent the sharing icons from showing up in excerpts. I want them to appear on the full article only.

pinterest button only share background

Fox Legault il y a 12 ans 0

how can i make, pinterest button share the image of a post instead the background image?


Remove from custom types

Marco Panichi il y a 11 ans 0

I've installed a plugin in order to add Portfolio media to my website.

The problem is that now ShareXY shows on these pages and in the options there's no way to remove it.

Any suggestions?


This is showing on everything!!

Candace Perry il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Andrei Tsitovets il y a 12 ans 8

Really excited about this plugin until I discovered it is showing on EVERYTHING...including the homepage and other pages. All I want it to show on are blog posts. Please help!!! Going to have to uninstall until this is remedied.


Adverts not displaying?

Ryan Cheetham il y a 12 ans 0

Im getting the following error when I hover over to display an advert - 

error - Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'adsGetter'

Anyone had this issue or know a solution?



I activated the plugin. When or how the ads will display?

Anjuman Sharma il y a 12 ans mis à jour par Andrei Tsitovets il y a 12 ans 1
Hi, I activated the plugin on http://www.mesteducation.com. When or how the ads will display? Also, could you tell me what is and where to find the publisher id?