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network buzz

Jean Hamilton-Fford 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei T. 9 aastat tagasi 1

I'd like to disable Network Buzz. Is there a way please? It's annoying. It's like getting flooded with emails. Not my cup of tea. Thanks! 


Can I add a second website?

groovygrovesy 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 3
I can see the first website I signed up with listed in the 'Analytics & Earnings stats' page but how can I add another?
Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi
Hello,  of course! You can use a one JS code on all of your websites.

Pinterest button more functional; give a choice of images to pin

AbroadAgain co uk 11 aastat tagasi 0

Hi, would it be possible to make the Pinterest share button more functional; currently only chooses one image (homepage/1st slider image). Would be better if gave you choice of images to pin or select the image that is currently showing in a slider?


How do I add my website

barb5808 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 0
My website details are missing from my account profile.  How do I add them?

Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi
Hello, Sign up, get and set the code of the widget Sharexy to your site, the information about it will appear in your account automatically.
Not a bug

The wp plugin will not allow me to change the style of button for my site.

Whitney Cecil 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 1
The styles pop-out window is blank.
Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi
Hello, Whitney.

Please download latest version of sharexy plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sharexy/

Menu pushed upwards after installation

Ruby Ginger 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 2

 Hi there,

After installing the Sharexy, my menu has shifted upwards and when I change it in style.css and reload my page: http://www.sugarmehigh.com/ it does a little jump. Any way on how to go about fixing this?

Thanks Sally



Teo Seifer, Trainer 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 0
I had a problem with the code that generated and interference on the header metatags and now my site is off line ...

Please help me

Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi
Hi, Teo.

I see your site is online. Our programmers are already working on fixing the bug.   New version of the plugin will be the released soon.

custom buttons

Laura Genesis Onetwentynine-Ve 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi 0
how do we use the custon button styles on WP ? is there a way to import them or something?
Andrei Tsitovets 12 aastat tagasi
Hello, Laura. We plan to add this feature in the near future

Hi. Twitter button did not work on my site http://mydevelopersway.com/ru/

Anatoly Borisov 9 aastat tagasi uuendatud 9 aastat tagasi 1
Hi. Twitter button did not work on my site http://mydevelopersway.com/ru/