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Not working On IE9 or IE8 and ideas?

Haider Bahrani hace 12 años actualizado por Andrei Tsitovets hace 12 años 9

Andrei Tsitovets hace 12 años
Glad to help you :)

Please add the FB Like button also.

Anjuman Sharma hace 12 años actualizado por Andrei Tsitovets hace 12 años 0
Hi Andrei, the plugin overall is great and good looking. I have a suggestion. It would be good if you could add the FB Like button also. Currently, it allows us to share the post or page, but doesn't give an option to like it! So I am using a separate plugin on the posts to get FB likes. My site is http://www.mesteducation.com.
Andrei Tsitovets hace 12 años


Thank you for suggestion we'll consider adding such button


what paypal info is needed

LaDawn Bridges hace 12 años actualizado por Andrei Tsitovets hace 12 años 0
Andrei Tsitovets hace 12 años
To receive payments, you need to specify only the paypal email address in the your account  settings.

'More Sharing Options' window

pgallina hace 10 años 0
I like the Sharexy button, so you can advertise your plugin. I also like the automatic opening of the 'More Sharing Options' window, but it is very annoying that the window remains open until you close it.
It would be very useful and nice if the 'More Sharing Options' window disappear automatically after a few seconds (2/3) if the mouse is not over it without having to click.

Thank you.

Works Great on 1 site! Doesn't work at all on the other!

Roel van der Krabben hace 12 años actualizado hace 12 años 1
Works great on http://www.mvo-ondernemen.nl but doesn't seem to be working at http://www.studionieuws.nl

The counters are not working.

Lauren Kay hace 11 años 0
I installed Sharexy three or four months ago because I really liked how it looked and functioned, but I decided not to use it because the counters were not working. I activated it again today, and the counters still aren't working. When is this issue going to be resolved?


Consider combining the CSS and js files

Candle FOREX hace 11 años 0
Would the makers of Sharexy consider:

(1) Combining the CSS and js files involved for the sharexy plugin.
This will speed up the plugin a lot and reduce http requests, making the over all website faster.

(2) Add an expiration date at least 2 weeks (edit the htaccess on your server).

# Set up caching on plugin files for 1 year
<FilesMatch "\.(css|png|jpg|jpeg|js)$">
ExpiresDefault A29030400
Header append Cache-Control "public"
These two suggestions above are very easy to do, especially (2) which can be done in 5 mins.

Suggestion (1) takes a bit more work, but not more than 2 or 3 hours.

Making these changes will speed up your plugin, the websites the plugins run on, saves Sharexy bandwith and allows Sharexy to serve more instances of the png and js files faster with the same resources.

'Display floating widget' on admin page

pgallina hace 10 años 0


thank you for this wonderful plugin.

I activated the 'Display floating widget', very useful and professional, but it would be nice not to have it on the admin page.

Could you give us the possibility to hide it, specifying the url (i.e. http://www.mydomain.com/wp-admin/*)?

Thank you.



How about adding Auto Sharing on the site so that the admin could auto post to all the networks

Larisa/Mist Hunter hace 11 años 0

I would like the option for admins to post all posts to the massive number of networks that Sharexy allows users to share to...it would be nice if this was integrated in wordpress so that we did not have to have a thousand plugins :)