Hi The Shortcode for Sharexy not seems to work on post template on my site!

jainty 11 år siden 0

 Hi The Shortcode for Sharexy not seems to work on post template on my site!


Remove from custom types

Marco Panichi 11 år siden 0

I've installed a plugin in order to add Portfolio media to my website.

The problem is that now ShareXY shows on these pages and in the options there's no way to remove it.

Any suggestions?


Hi The Shortcode for Sharexy only seems to work on some pages on my site! others it just shows the shortcode.

Haider Bahrani 11 år siden 0


The shortcode for sharexy seems to work on some pages and not on others. The code on the pages is the same.

Any ideas?


Sharexy.com changed

istratebogdan 11 år siden opdateret af Red InkNews-org 11 år siden 2

I see the Sherexy.com website moved to a wordpress platform and it looks like it's still work in progress.
The problem is that the social buttons that i already had implemented don't work properly anymore since this change. I tried to come back on Sharexy.com website to get the code again but i see you offer them as a plugin for wordpress only. Did you gave up on offering them to any website ? Did you made any partnership with wordpress only ?


Disabling Sharexy on about and contact pages!

Ruane Radcliffe 11 år siden 0

How do I disable Sharexy on my about page and my contact page and please don't tell my you can disable it in the settings because I tried but it does not work! It picks up those pages as posts can you suggest anything. Thank You


remove from pages not posts

Jason Ballard 12 år siden opdateret af Andrei Tsitovets 11 år siden 9
Love your plugin, just wondering if there's a way to remove your plugin from pages, not posts.  I like having them at the bottom of each post, but don't want them on the rest of the pages.  Is there anyway to do this?
Andrei Tsitovets 12 år siden
Hello, Jason. Yes, you can do it with the settings of the plugin. Just turn off widget displaying where you don't want to show it

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