Uw opmerkingen

Hello, Heike.

Our plug-in do not provide follow options, we will add it in one of the following releases.
Hello, Thomas.

You can select the size of the icons as shown in the image:

On the display of advertising. give me please the url of your website, we will check it out.
Hello, Jeff. Thanks for the idea, we will add this in the near future.
Hello, Sign up, get and set the code of the widget Sharexy to your site, the information about it will appear in your account automatically.
Hello, Amy.

You can customize your sharing widget on http://sharexy.com/get_sharexy or with help of our wordpress plugin ( http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sharexy/ )
Please select "I don't want to make money in the sharexy ad network" in the Ad broadcasting settings at plugin page and advertising will stop displaying.
Hello, Debrah. Can you give me your website URL ?